Everything You Want to Know About France and More...

Ducks, Dordogne, Paris, Provence and southern France Newsletter


Welcome to all new subscribers – I’m absolutely thrilled to meet you. A huge thank you to everyone who subscribes to this newsletter, I love writing to you!

This week I managed to find a new forever home for 12 ducklings. I think I told you that record 46 ducklings were hatched by my naughty ducks hiding in hedges and fields and then bringing their offspring home. It’s too much – I can hardly move in the garden for greedy, needy ducks now so I’m desperately seeking alternative accommodation for them!

The weather has been mixed, sun, rain, wind, storms – it’s beginning to feel more like autumn than summer. I always love Paris in the autumn best, it’s usually warm, mellow, and when the sun sets, it casts a golden glow on gilded rooftops and over the River Seine. Thinking about it fuels my dreams of moving to Paris – I told you last week I’m temporarily postponing a long term stay because I have too many animals and now I’d be happy with a month there and that’s what I’m working towards.

My big news this week is that my book is being published in America next week and I can’t tell you what a thrill it is. I never ever thought that I’d be a published writer though I dreamed of it. I never thought I’d be a best seller in the UK – but I am! And I’ve been given a No. 1 Hot New Release sticker by Amazon in the US – zut alors I’m excited enough to burst! Naturally my cats, dogs and birds are not remotely impressed and this morning Ken the orphan chicken pecked me on the back of the leg to remind me I am really just a humble maid to too many animals. No getting above my station here in the middle of nowhere France I can tell you!

In a world that seems crazy at times, and terribly sad, I wish you a bon weekend where ever you are,
Bisous from France,

From the newsletter of 19th August 2017 – read the whole thing here with great tips, places to visit, things to see: newsletter

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