Your French bank statement pops into your post box, you open it and find a raft of words, expressions and abbreviations that you’ve never come across before.
Here is a list of common French bank words and French bank statement abbreviations that you are likely to find in your French bank statement or when dealing with banks in France:
Actions = Shares
Agios = Interest paid on loan or overdraft
Annuité = Annually payment
Annulation: ANN -= Cancellation
Approvisionner = Credit your account
Argent liquide = Cash
Avis d’opération = receipt slip
Bénéficiaire= Beneficiary
Carnet de chèques/Chéquier = Cheque book (Check book)
Caution = Guarantee
Chèque = Cheque
Chèque de banque = Bankers draft or cashiers check
Chèque sans provision = A ‘bounced’ cheque (you didn’t have sufficient money in the account to clear the cheque – action is needed – see here)
Code personnel/confidentiel = PIN number
Commission de Compte débiteur = Overdrawn account
Compte destinataire = Account receiving money
Compte joint = Joint account
Crédit = Credit
Crédit hypothécaire = Mortgage
DAB (Distributeur Automatique de Billets) = Cash Dispenser – ATM Machine
Date d’expiration = Expiry date
Date d’opération = Date transaction recorded
Date de Valeur =Date when amount debited or credited
Débit = Debit
Débit différé = Deferred credit on a card
Débit Immédiat = Credit card is immediately debited
Découvert = Overdraft
Déposer (de l’argent) = Credit an account
Dépôt = Deposit
Dépôt a vue: DAV = Current account
Devise = (Foreign) Currency
Echéancier = Details of bill or loan
Espèces = Cash
Frais = charge
Impôt =Tax
MISE = Set up Fee for Direct Debit
Monnaie = Currency
Opposition = Cancellation of payment
Placement = Investment
Prêt = Loan
Prélèvement automatique: PREL, PRLVT = Direct debit
Règlement: REG = Settlement
Relevé de compte : Bank statement
Rapatriement : Commission on receipt of an international currency
Relevé d’Identité Bancaire (RIB) = Bank identity details
Remboursement: REMBST, REMB = Redemption, repayment
Retraite: RET, RETR = Withdrawal of funds
Solde = Balance
Tableau d’amortissement = Monthly repayment schedule
Taux = Rate of interest
Taux de change = Exchange rate
Tax sur la Valeur Ajouté: TVA = VAT
TEG = Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Titulaire = Account holder
Valable =Valid
Versement: VER, VERST, VRST = Cash Deposit
Virement: VIR, VIRT = Transfer