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Top sites and resources for jobs in France

working in franceWorking in France: we’re often asked – where do I start looking for jobs in France?

Here is our comprehensive and full list of places to start your search for job vacancies in France – both private and state agencies, specialist and general.

Remember that if you apply for jobs in France – send a European style CV (how to create the perfect French CV) and a letter of motivation.

Monster France – expats score this as a good job board in France, and it has lots of really helpful tips and guidance

Les Jeudis – IT jobs, you can submit your CV

Indeed France – searches job data bases – no frills, not pretty but does the job!

Linkedin – set your profile up and use it to seek jobs and advertise yourself

Viadeo – a French business network site very like Linked In and very popular in France; used by recruiters a lot especially as a reference site.

Pôle Emploi – the French employment website – they offer help applying for jobs as well advertising them, you can take a free CV creation course etc.

EURES – EU Job Mobility Portal. You can leave your CV and there is a lot of helpful information and plenty of guides which are up to date and issued by the EU authorities.

www.eurojobs.com – Claims to be the biggest European job agency.

www.goinglobal.com/ – they have lots of helpful guides for foreign jobseekers in France and sell a book about the subject.

Emploi Annonces – job board

www.keljob.com – French job site and quite a bit of helpful information

www.recrut.com – management positions


L’Hôtellerie-Restauration – for restaurants and hotels

Stratégies – for marketing, PR, communications

Craigslist – most offers are in Paris

FUSAC – most jobs advertised are in Paris and the surrounding areas – aimed at English speaking expats in France

Stepstone  – used by recruiters and candidates – jobs in Europe

Overseas Jobs – advertise jobs in France and some useful guides

Working in France means experiencing the French employment system which is likely to be different from what you are used to so read up on the differences between CDIs (permanent contracts) and CDDs (temporary contracts), and cadres (management) and non-cadres (non-management) positions.

Ten useful tips to help you get a job in France

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