When you enrol your children into the French educational system, you will be required to provide various forms of identification and paperwork. You may well not be used to having to provide this amount of documentation in your own country so to help you here’s our guide to what you need to do to prepare to send your children to school in France
Documentation required to enrol your child in a school in France
Birth certificate (extrait de l’acte de naissance)
Proof of parents identity – this can be passport or carte d’intentité
Utility bill as proof of your home address
Carnet de Santé or other official health record to confirm that your child has been vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG), diphtheria, tetanus and polio
Proof of legal guardianship if parents are divorced – you may not be asked for this but be prepared.
English language documents may also need to be professionally translated if the school requires that.
School uniforms in France
French children do not wear a school uniform. They are allowed to wear casual clothing to school although anything too unusual would be frowned upon. Religious clothing of any kind is banned in schools in France.
For more information about the school curriculum click here to go to our detailed section on Schools