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French words and phrases for Train Travel in France

french words and phrases for train travel in france

Using trains in France can be a great way to get around for visitors to the country, but so many people worry about not speaking French, not understanding how to use the stations or find their way around.

Don’t be put off, its not that difficult with a little in advance homework and checking. These basic French words and phrases for train travel in France will help you find your way round stations and on the train and read our tips on how to take a train in France for more great advice.

English French
Train Un train
Station La Gare
Where is the station Ou est la gare (du Nord etc)
Ticket Billet
Metro ticket ticket de métro
Train ticket billet de train
Platform Voie or Quai
Carriage Voiture
My luggage Mes baggages
Trolley Chariot
Luggage rack Porte-baggages
Ticket counter, ticket office les guichets
Return trip un aller-retour
One way ticket Un billet simple
A single to… (Paris) un aller pour Paris
Can you give me a timetable? Pouvez-vous me donner les horaires des trains?
Arrival time heure d’arrivée
Which direction(destination) do I take to go to…? Quelle direction dois-je prendre pour aller à…?
The first/last/next train Le premier/dernier/prochain train
What time does the train leave for…? À quelle heure part le train pour….?
Is this the right platform for the Paris train? Est-ce que c’est le bon quai pour le train de Paris?
Is there a cash machine in this station? y a-t-il un point d’argent dans la gare?
Price Prix
First/Second class Première/Seconde classe
I would like to reserve a seat Je voudrais réserver une place.
Punch your ticket Composter de billet
Exit Sortie
Where can I find a taxi? Où est-ce que je peux trouver un taxi?


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