Reycling of goods has become increasingly important around the world and in France it is taken very seriously.
Recycling policies vary from region to region but generally refuse collection services in France require you to recycle glass, paper, cardboard, plastic bottles etc. and will often reject a rubbish bin if inappropriate material is spotted in the wrong receptacle. There are glass recycling
Recycling white goods such as fridges, as well as old computer equipment in France usually means a trip to the recycling centre or rubbish tip – the dechetterie in France.
To use the dechetterie you will need a permit which you can get from your Town Hall who will also advise where your nearest one is. You can try Pages Jaunes too – type in dechetterie and your post code or town but this can sometimes be hit and miss so the town hall is best.
Emmaus in France, a charitable organisation that restores, repairs and resells unwanted goods will also be interested in unwanted appliances, furniture, clothing, toys, books etc.
Their website is in French but easy to use and recycling an unwanted item back into use is simple – you can either drop something off at your nearest shop or someone will come and collect.
If you want to find an Emmaus store near you live, the Emmaus France website will help. It’s in French so here’s how to use it to find a shop:
On the home page for Emmaus France go to the Donner et Acheter à Emmaus (I want to Give and Buy at Emmaus)
Click on Je souhaite donner (I want to give) and then pop in the details to find your nearest shop
Click on the links to organise a collection free of charge.